We wanted to give you and your team a heads up on some vulnerabilities with Apple iOS that can allow an attacker to gain access to devices without the user doing anything (clicking a link or file attachment, for example). There are simple steps you can take to protect against these vulnerabilities. If your users use iPhone or Apple devices for personal use, update them to the latest operating system (14.8 for iPhone and 7.6.2 if you use an Apple Watch). The most recent update addresses these security vulnerabilities and will help keep users protected. Please double check that your user’s devices are up to date..

Here are some simple instructions from Apple to check if you are already running iOS14.8:


And here are instructions for Apple Watches:


This would be a good time to remind your team to be vigilant in keeping their devices updated, even when off the clock or using a personal device.

As always contact us today if you have any questions.